Video for business

Ivideo for business inexpensive and effective reach potential customersncreasingly, businesses are using the medium of video to communicate with their customers and staff. On the internet video is the fastest growing marketing medium, up by over 50% in the past year alone.

For some companies this may be as basic as posting copies of their TV adverts on YouTube.

However a more subtle yet effective way is to provide informative or instructional videos that help customers understand how to make best use of your products and services. These need not be big Hollywood-style productions. Keeping them simple and straightforward and free of promotional “fluff” gives greater credibility. And who better to explain what you do than your own experts?

Introduce your team on video

Video is a very immediate and personal medium. With an engaging presenter it’s possible to make a direct connection to the viewer that simply isn’t possible with print or a static web page. So why not have a video that introduces the members of your team to potential clients? Or a regular “video newsletter” that keeps existing clients in touch with what’s happening in your world?

Here’s a great article about the various kinds of video that many companies are having made these days: Small Business Video Content Ideas.

The process doesn’t have to be hugely expensive or complicated either – a straightforward “piece to camera” movie can take less than a day to shoot and can cost just a few hundred pounds. Of course the scope of each project is planned and agreed beforehand so that you know the timescale and costs involved before we start.

Find out more about video for business

I have more than 20 years experience creating videos for corporate clients large and small.

  • Product videos
  • CEO announcements
  • Conferences
  • Training events
  • Project documentaries
  • Promotional videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Online training videos
  • …and many more.

You can view some of my commercial videos here.

Get in touch and we can discuss how best to promote your products or services with video.