Choir performs at Choiroke 2017 Harlequin Redhill

Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill

Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill

Once again I had the pleasure of photographing the Choiroke event – this time at the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill.

Choiroke – what’s it all about?

Singers perform at Choiroke 2017Choiroke is an event that brings together local amateur choirs from Surrey and Sussex for an evening of music. There is a “karaoke” element involving the audience taking part in some of the songs, which is where the name comes from. For the third year running there was also a junior version in the afternoon involving school choirs from the region.

The whole ethos of Choiroke is to make singing fun – the repertoire is popular songs and especially show tunes. This year the theme was “the Movies” so we had numbers from Les Miserables, Half a Sixpence, the James Bond theme and the title song from Skyfall, with a grand finale medley from the Whoopi Goldberg movie “Sister Act”, which was memorably conducted by choir director Sean Peters dressed up as a nun!

Choiroke is superbly organised every year by Louise Camby and her team from BRAVO, which aims to develop links between business and the community and  support worthwhile causes.

Each choir chooses three songs to perform, with the proviso that they must be at least loosely related to the overall theme of the concert. One song from each choir’s set is a “choiroke” number in which the audience are invited to sing along. Everyone gets into the spirit of the thing and it’s great fun!

New participants this year were the Include Choir, some of whose members have communication or learning difficulties. They sign as well as sing and aim to promote community awareness of the need for inclusive communication. They gave us a fantastic rendition of “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” from “Mary Poppins” with actions to match the lyrics.

Meanwhile, here are some of my favourite photos from this year’s event:

concert programmes for Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill stage staff prepare for Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill audience anticipate start of Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill happy audience enjoying Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill choir director Sean Peters Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Redhill are welcomed to Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill massed choirs rehearse James Bond theme Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Show Choir performs Cabaret Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Show Choir performs Music of the Night Phantom of the Opera Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Treble Makers choir Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Include Choir perform with signing at Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill Include Choir sing "let's go fly a Kite" Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill

Many congratulations to Louise and her team and to the choirs who took part, for another fantastic event!

You can see a selection of my photos from previous years here: Choiroke 2016 | Choiroke 2013

Choiroke 2017 concert | Harlequin Redhill

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