
Lifestyle product photography | Christophe Duchamp watches

Lifestyle product photography – Christophe Duchamp watches

Model wearing pink jacket showing off luxury watchChristophe Duchamp watches are a regular client of mine, I’m pleased to say – it’s always a pleasure to work with George and his team! Most often I’m photographing close-ups of the watches themselves but for this shoot the brief was to create some “lifestyle” images with a couple of models, showing these luxury watches being worn.

Location lifestyle product photography photo shoot

For some of the shots I used a plain gray background (which makes it easy for the subject to be cut out in Photoshop and used against different backgrounds). For others I used a painting as an abstract background, and some other locations inside the house that we used for the shoot. We did a few shots outside as well, as it was a sunny day – even though it was January and there was snow on the ground.

Renata was a great model to work with – very responsive to direction but who also had some good posing ideas of her own. I also worked with a male model for the images of the watch on his wrist driving a luxury car.

Luxury product photography

With this kind of shoot the aim is to show off the product to best advantage but also create the luxury “feel” in the images – imparting to the viewer what it would feel like to wear one of these upmarket watches. Clothing and props help with this impression – in this case we used a couple of stylish hats, classic white and pink tailored jackets, and also (fake!) fur coats.

For the indoor shots I used flash, but mostly keeping the look as natural as possible. Sometimes it works well to have strong directional flash illumination, but for this shoot I felt it generally worked better to keep the lighting soft and natural. See if you can spot which one of the interior shots I used directional flash though!

For some of the outdoor shots I used a mix of flash and daylight, to take advantage of the sunny weather but show the model and the product clearly. I think the ones where the model is wearing the red hat are my favourites – it adds a great splash of vibrant colour!

Here as always is a selection of photos from the shoot!

Lifestyle photo-shoot closeup of Christophe Duchamp watch on model's wrist Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches model lit by flash Female model posing against painting - Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches Wacth closeup on model's wrist - Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches Model posing outdoors in snowy location - Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches close up of male model's wrist on car steering wheel - Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches  Close-up of male model's hand and wrist on car gear selector - Lifestyle photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches Lifestyle product photography photo-shoot for Christophe Duchamp watches

Many thanks to George and the Christophe Duchamp team for having me along to do this location photo shoot – it was fun!

Build your own corporate photo library

A photo shoot like this is a great way to start building a library of product and lifestyle images that you will always have on hand to help promote your brand – on your website, on social media and in print. You can see some more of my product and promotional photography in a gallery here.

If you would like some similar photos (or indeed video) of your products or services, please do get in touch via my website contact form, or give me a call. I’d love to chat to you about the possibilities.

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